Discordia DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy 2.0 - White

Discordia DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy 2.0 - White

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DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy

Introducing DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy. A Full Scale Replication of a standard spray can. From Discordia Merchandising.

"Blank Spray Can sounds cool." - Paul Budnitz, Founder KIDROBOT

DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy - Final Measurements - In Inches: 8.2'' Around x 7.5'' Tall x 2.5'' Across
- In CM: 20.82 x 19 x 6.35

Made of Rotocast Vinyl, it is completely hollow, and light weight. Perfect for handling, painting, sculpting and carving upon.

It is carefully redesigned to provide the most Customization surface area possible. All concave indentations and edges have been filled in, all details have been smoothed out, all corners have been rounded. Includes a realistic, fixed, Fat Cap style top.

DIY Spray Can Vinyl Toy eliminates all issues and risks with customizing actual used metal spray cans. No mess, no smell, no rust, and no sharp metal edges. Never having to deal with Hazardous Materials Shipping expenses with any postal service companies. A truly safe and even kid friendly alternative.

We have done our best to pay homage to the icon of the spray can, as a symbol of the Outsider Art known as Street Art, which has earned its respectability and permeated and influenced our culture at nearly every level.

Available in Standard White

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