City Limits Issue 8

City Limits Issue 8

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Also here are the details for the new issue. 

Issue 8 is 82 pages of graffiti found within the Detroit City Limits. There are over 50 different writers featured. The spotlight section features an interview with Army. Cover logo done by Solve BAMC. 


Writers included in no particular order are:

Army, Turdl,  Teck 9, Kosek, Repht, Dems, Gray,  Kias, Sekt, Tead,  Elmer, Rawr, Yogrt,  Feis. Jmack, Ridle, Daser, Amoe, Swag, Esey, Pack, Glare, Sohoe, Werst,  Sohey, Skryb, Skip, Brzm, Melo, Zuer, Rveng, Sew, Yaoh, Vary, Rehab, Whas,  MSK, D30, Gash, Aest, Kuma, Tarf, Suey, Spain,  Begr, Hael, Scholar, Saute, Pegas, Konqr, Daze, Reck, Shine, Pons, Lousy, Touch143, Aires, Wavy & Spe136.


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