Wall 2 Wall Montreal - the Book

Wall 2 Wall Montreal - the Book

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A curated photo documentation of the past decade in Montreal Graffiti, Wall 2 Wall Montreal is a deluxe hardcover book featuring 260 pages of photos personally selected by 70 of the best graffiti writers active in Montreal, from the Wall 2 Wall Montreal archive. Linen-bound, printed on high quality paper, this book is the first of its kind, on this scale, for any city in the world.

Features the following artists: 123Klan, Algue, Amon, Apashe, Ason, Astro, Awe, Axe Lalime, Beast, Bosny, Cemz, Crane, Dfek, Dodo Osé, Earth Crusher, EK Sept, Ekes, Ekler, Eskro, Five Eight, Fleo, Fokus, F.One, Fuser, Haks, Hest, Hoar, Jaker, Janek, Jmoe, Johste, Keos, Senck & Snipes, Killa EF, Koal, Korb, Kwun, Legal, Lyfer, Mad Rats, Medor, Monk.e, Naimo, Narc, Nor, Pask, Peace, Pito, Raes, Resok, Rouks, Royal, Scan, Scribe, Serak, Serum, Sewp, Shok, Skor, Smak, Snok, Stare, Tuna, Voguer, Wuna, Zek.

260 pages, hardcover.

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