The Stencil Graffiti Manual

The Stencil Graffiti Manual

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Stencils are a technique with unlimited aesthetic adaptability and possibility—from ancient cave painting to contemporary graffiti. Beyond their unique stylistic expression, stencils offer practical benefits, including precision, unlimited duplication of a message or pattern, and speed. In this info-packed manual, artist C215 shares not only his expertise with stencils, but the stories and works of 16 leading stencil graffiti and street artists around the world, showing how far it goes creatively beyond mere reproduction. Learn about materials and tools, bridges and frames, creating stencils with Photoshop and Illustrator, techniques for painting, and the specifics of text-based work, patterns, and abstract work. Hundreds of photos, detailed how-tos, and interviews with artists in the US, England, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and Colombia show a wide range of styles, techniques, and contexts. Three ready-to-use stencils are included.

Size: 7.0in x 9.0in  |  Pages:150  |  246 color and b/w images
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 9780764363276

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