Still On and Non The Wiser
144 Pages, Paperback- Until recently, art made in the street and art made within the institution had mutually excluded each other. Graffiti writers have mastered their medium like modern painters but because it did not emerge from a studio it was not considered to be ''real art'' by the critics. Still On, a catalog of a street art exhibition by the Von Der Heydt Museum Wuppertal in Barmen, Germany-, makes the case for graffiti as contemporary art. Beyond notions of vandalism and interventions in public space, graffiti and street art is a dialog between artists and their immediate environment. This exhibit examines how each artist responds to the confines of the Ruhmenshalle Gallery and how the vitality of their work translates successfully to the museum with out losing any of its power or integrity. With works on canvas, installation and painting directly on the gallery walls by Tasek, OS GEMEOS, Herbert Baglione, TILT, MISS VAN, Mirko Reisser, Pius Portman, Stohead, ZEVS Daniel Man, and Heiko Zahlman.
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