Markal marker (B Paint Stik) KING-SIZE

Markal marker (B Paint Stik) KING-SIZE

  • One-handed, push button operation eliminates lost caps and prevents ink dryout
  • Fast-drying, wear and water-resistant formula for long-lasting marks
  • Industrial-grade fine bullet tip will not spread or mush
  • Auto-storing clip instantly retracts tip to reduce mess or tip damage
  • Xylene-free formula for safe use
  • Real lead-free paint in stick form; combines long-lasting durability of paint with ease-of-use of a crayon.
  • Temperature range: -50°F to 150°F (-46°C to 66°C).

SIZE;  1'' x 4-3/4'' (25mm x 121mm)

Key Applications:

- For use on metal, wood, plastic, concrete, rubber, glass, cardboard, and paper.
- Marks on smooth, rough, rusty or dirty surfaces and also marks through oil and water.

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