Cap Matches Color: Two Decades of Digging - Second Edition

Cap Matches Color: Two Decades of Digging - Second Edition

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CMC are proud to offer the Second Edition of Two Decades of Digging *featuring 50 new images! If you missed the sold out First Edition -- here's your chance!!!

Documenting 20 years worth of digging & archiving vintage spray paint history.

Browse our finest reserved content; critical historical context; a balanced spread of fellow international collectors; and rarities that we hope will ignite positive discussion and a deeper awareness of spray paint history.

A labor of love, five years of compiling our greatest finds and facts.

Softcover 6" x 9"
Shrink wrapped
Offset 4 CP
Printed in the US
144 pages | 400+ images
*50 new images featuring advertising, color charts, and collections

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